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A few words

Author and entrepreneur until today, I am accomplishing my own Becoming Self (Devenir Soi)  and becoming a full-time writer in 2023.


I moved to Marseille in 2011, having lived more than ten years in Southeast Asia during my life as a young adult, and spent my childhood in Lorraine. I am raising my two sons alone, with great pride and selflessness, I have been a biker and a yoga enthusiast for over twenty years.   As far back as I can remember, I have always written, and accumulated hundreds of small notebooks around me, especially during my many travels and international experiences. Between my meetings with leaders of large companies, or Russian oligarchs, my life in the Philippines, or in Malaysia, my studies of Islam and Bahasa in Kuala Lumpur, my association for three years with Jacques Attali to create the Method of Becoming Personally, I have always taken notes, and accumulated life stories. My first book, "Nadune or the Prophecy of the Big Blue", recounts many encounters, where fictional characters give life to individuals met in reality, and which merge into a narrative halfway between personal history and the Big Story. 

In twenty years of professional life, I had the chance to contribute to two great projects totally out of the ordinary: the creation of the Method Becoming Self ™, and the European Alliance of Strategic Intelligence. From these two extraordinary projects were born two companies, which today aim to deploy the tools and intellectual products resulting from years of research and practice. 

Following a meeting in 2015 with Jacques Attali, author of the book Devenir Soi, published by Fayard,  I coordinated a research and development team for more than 3 years, and completely wrote a methodology allowing the potential of individuals to be released.  I started by obtaining world exclusivity on the Devenir Soi™ brand, and the right to use the five steps proposed in the book. Then I studied, analyzed, digested and returned in the Method more than three hundred books around the themes of yoga, personal development, religions, spirituality, well-being, personal finances, the quest for oneself , art, culture, literature etc. I also exchanged with dozens of professionals in these professions, then I restored everything in a methodical, simple, pragmatic, measurable and objectivable tool: the Diagnostic Devenir Soi™. After three years, I completely wrote the whole method, which I then recorded in a digital platform, giving access to all the intellectual wealth produced for Devenir Soi™ licensees. For more details,Click here

I proceeded in a similar way in the profession of Economic Intelligence where I have evolved since my life in Asia. Having worked for more than ten years with one of the world leaders in IE, my mission was to recruit subcontractors all over the world. Over the years of research, I have studied, analyzed the professions and skills of EI professionals in more than 70 countries, and with thousands of service providers, while exchanging with dozens of consultants. I digested and restored this knowledge in a formalized tool, and conceptualized an algorithm allowing to objectify and measure the selection of subcontractors. After several years of use, I finalized the tool which became the Benchmark ABDM™, today an exclusive tool for recruiting subcontractors worldwide for large European multinationals. I also recorded the Benchmark tool in a digital platform, giving access to this knowledge based on years of research, but also on an unequaled experience in this profession. 

ABDM Benchmark™ licensees have access to business opportunities in Europe, requiring this tool for their recruitment of subcontractors. For more details,Click here.  

I am happy to transmit my ideas through the companies I have founded, and I am always available for an exchange, a discussion, a questioning, and ideas for new collaborations. 

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